Each day seems like a natural fact/but what we think changes how we act.
I think there is a critical difference between two interpretations of the term
Conceptual Architecture. I'd describe Doug's sample conceptual architecture as essentially a component architecture, which happens to be at the
conceptuallevel of abstraction. In other words, it provides a conceptual understanding of how the components work together.
That's not at all the same as understanding how the concepts themselves work together, which is what I think one needs to satisfy the Gang of Four requirement for an architecture-of-concepts, and which would also be implied by Doug's reference to the Wikipedia article on Philosophical Analysis.
The Wikipedia article mentions critiques of the traditional approach to philosophical analysis by Quine and Wittgenstein. I have used some of their ideas - although with no claim to profundity - in my own approach to conceptual modelling. See for example my 1992 book on Information Modelling.
To take a concrete example, if we are going to build systems and management practices to anticipate competitor behaviour, it might help have to have a robust concept of COMPETITOR. I once worked with a company that thought it knew which its competitors were, and were quite indignant when a competitive threat appeared from an entirely different quarter. Traditional philosophical analysis implies you can fully characterize a concept like COMPETITOR in advance, but Wittgenstein and Quine teach us to be cautious of monothetic, appearently objective conceptual definitions.
One of the problems with conceptual models is that they are often too generic, and therefore insufficiently meaningful. Anyone who has ever been on a data modelling course can produce a model with CUSTOMER and ORDER and PRODUCT. But proper conceptual analysis entails taking concepts apart to understand how they work in a particular business context. Where do products come from, what does it mean to be a product, how do products evolve, what are the essential and non-essential differences between products? Why do we have this many products, and what are the forces that would result in increasing or decreasing the number of products? What does the business know about products, and what does the business want to know?
Doug's post was prompted by Peter Bakker's post Factual Architecture, which expressed a concern that concepts can be too abstract and unverifiable – failing to connect with audiences, failing to connect with reality. The way that some architects try to verify concepts is to demonstrate how the concepts could be represented in some technical system - but I prefer to encourage stakeholders to verify concepts in the business domain itself. This leads me to a slightly different notion of Factual Architecture, which would provide an empirical business context in which the business concepts and knowledge can be grounded.
Is this really the way it is? Or a contract in our mutual interest? (Gang of Four: Contract)
See also Big Data and Organizational Intelligence (November 2018)
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