Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Bits Stop Here

One of the drivers for SOA, both commercial and public sector, is to extend and enrich the opportunities to provide services to customers/citizens over the internet.

But the more reliance we place on electronic identity, the more important it seems to be to link this back to some face-to-face identification by a trusted authority. And these processes are getting more tedious. Perhaps rightly so, as identity theft becomes ever easier and more prevalent.

For example, before I could open a savings account for my son recently, I needed a lengthy interview with a bank clerk, who apparently needed to take photocopies of my passport and utility bills. This routine is called 'Know Your Customer'.

[Wikipedia: Know Your Customer]

It's not good enough for the bank clerk merely to see these documents. A paper archive is needed for "compliance" - in other words, providing retrospective evidence that I haven't tricked or bribed the bank clerk to overlook some missing document. Is this because the bank doesn't entirely trust its own employees?

But the bank does trust the paperwork from other organizations with which it has (as far as I know) zero electronic interoperability (the passport authority and the utility companies). That's nice.

Until recently, UK citizens have been able to apply for passports remotely, but the Identity and Passport Service is going to introduce face-to-face interviews. At which I guess we are going to produce copies of bank statements and utility bills.

[BBC News: Interviews for passports 'vital', Robin Wilton: Face-to-face interviews for passport candidates, Tomorrow's Fish-and-Chip Paper: And talking of the Identity and Passport Service ...]

Meanwhile, the utility companies are trying to back out of this role in the network of trust, by producing electronic bills instead of paper ones. These are useless for identification purposes, because they can be too easily forged by amateurs. (Forging old fashioned utility bills does require a tiny amount of expertise.)

So there seem to be some infinite loops in the network of trust, with some pretty obvious vulnerabilities yielding countless opportunities for real crooks.

I was minded of this when I saw the problems faced by Tim Bray getting a new Canadian passport. Spent nine hours waiting in line.

[Tim Bray: Passport Hell, Emerging Chaos: How Long to Be Identified]

Maybe electronic identity (complete with biometrics and RFID) is going to save you a little time for each transaction, but if it takes that long to get/issue the credentials in the first place, then there is some catching up to do.

As it happens, there are some pretty bright people in the IT industry working on exactly this problem, and some pretty neat solutions emerging. But the managers and politicians running the organizations that actually handle identity on a daily basis (leaving sackloads of unshredded personal data on the sidewalk, losing laptops on a regular basis, that kind of thing) don't seem to have a clue about this, don't seem to realise that they are just making things worse.

Like I said, there is some catching up to do. SOA (with Identity 2.0) has the potential to solve a lot of problems, but the first step is for the people who are causing the problems in the first place to acknowledge that they need help.

Otherwise all these cool solutions will just remain interesting talking points for bloggers.

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