Saturday, February 22, 2025

Data-Driven Data Strategy

One of the things I've been pushing for years is the idea that data strategy should itself be data driven. In other words, if we are claiming that all these expensive data and analytics initiatives are driving business improvement, let's see the evidence, and let's have a feedback loop that allows us to increase the cost-effectiveness of these initiatives. This is becoming increasingly important as people start to pay attention to the environmental cost as well as the monetary cost.

This idea can be found in my ebook How To Do Things With Data and my articles for the Cutter Journal, as well as on this blog.

I doubt anyone will be surprised by Gartner's recent survey, showing that although over 90% of the respondents acknowledged the importance of being value-focused and outcome-focused, only 22% were measuring business impact. So they clearly aren't eating their own dog food.

And the same thing applies to the current hype around AI. Tech journalist @LindsAI Clark asks will we be back in another 10 years wondering who is measuring the business value of all that AI in which organizations have invested billions?

I think we already know the answer to that one.

Lindsay Clark, Data is very valuable, just don't ask us to measure it, leaders say (The Register, 21 Feb 2025)

Richard Veryard, How To Do Things With Data (LeanPub) 

Richard Veryard, Understanding the Value of Data (Cutter Business Technology Journal, 11 May 2020)

Wikipedia: Eating your own dog food


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