Saturday, December 10, 2005

Joined-Up Government

Robin Wilton collected these trophies of Joined-Up Government at an e-Government conference in Manchester.

Robin Wilton's New Friends

I've been meaning to blog about Joined-Up Government (J-U-G) for a while now, and this just gives me a final nudge.

There have always been several different notions of J-U-G in play (as I have written before). I think it's particularly interesting to distinguish between an internal (service-provider) perspective and an external (citizen, service-consumer) perspective.

Internal Perspective

Governments can use SOA to connect within or between large departmental silos. There are enormous potential benefits in efficiency and effectiveness, which indirectly benefit the citizen.

But internal joining-up is only half the story ...

External Perspective

... and this is an example of what joined-up government looks like from the citizen's perspective.

Applying for a student place and applying for a loan are part of the same process. If government doesn't allow the citizen to synchronize these steps, then the citizen is forced to bear extra risk.

Joined-up government is then a way of improving service and reducing risk from the citizen's perspective as well as from the government's own perspective.

My CBDI Journal article on this topic is in the pipeline. Meanwhile, you may wish to look at an earlier article of mine on Joined-Up Services (2002).

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