Monday, March 28, 2005

Three Types of Requirements Engineering

What is the starting point for an SOA modeling exercise? Traditionally, we have often understood the purpose of modeling in terms of the design of a specific or generic solution to some business problem or opportunity. But with the service-based business, we may have to start further back – modeling the business ecosystem in order to identify problems and opportunities in the first place.

In the service economy, the business focus is to provide value-adding services to its customers. What you as a business have to decide is: what is a reasonable and economically viable set of services to offer. And then you build a platform of services. This is not a complete solution to one problem – it is a partial solution to many different problems, in many different contexts. That's how you get reuse, economics of scale and scope, and ultimately business viability.

So we have three types of requirements engineering, as shown in the following table.

Solution-Driven (Specific)
Solution-Driven (General)
Identify Business Problem

Identify "Users"

Negotiate Requirements

Define Solution
Identify Domain

Identify Domain Experts

Define Requirements

Design Solution Kit
Identify Ecosystem

Identify Services

Procure and Release Devices

Extract from Business Modelling for SOA (CBDI Journal, March 2005)

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